Can Wallpaper Go On Textured Walls

    Can Wallpaper Go on Textured Walls?

    Textured walls can provide an interesting, unique look to a room, but can wallpaper go on textured walls? The short answer is yes, but there are a few things to consider before you start applying wallpaper to textured walls.

    Things to Consider Before Applying Wallpaper to Textured Walls

    • Type of texture: The type of texture on your walls will determine the type of wallpaper you can use. Some types of wallpaper will not adhere to certain types of textures.
    • Adhesive: You may need to use a different type of adhesive than you would use on a smooth wall. Make sure you use an adhesive that is designed for use on textured walls.
    • Prep work: The textured wall should be thoroughly cleaned before applying the wallpaper. You may also need to sand down the walls to make sure that the wallpaper adheres properly.

    Applying wallpaper to textured walls can be done, but it is important to consider the type of texture and the type of adhesive you use. With the right type of wallpaper and adhesive, you can give your textured walls a whole new look with wallpaper.
